Organica Pizzas

Organica Pizzas

 A proactive Social Media ads campaign delivers 200% more orders, 60% more in-house diners and a 20% increase in average order value.

Organica Pizzas was one of the earlier companies to begin leveraging on the increasing demand for organic and gluten-free ingredients, a trend that was then only beginning to take shape.

Based in North London, it enjoyed a steady flow of the more health conscious eater, it’s customer base who had little choice when they felt like indulging in a pizza treat that would induce less guilt and deliver fewer calories than traditional pizzas.

However, with an increase in several more nearby pizza joints in the area beginning to also offer gluten-free, only organic pizzas coupled with the rise in services like JustEat and Deliveroo, they faced more competition than ever before resulting in a sharp drop in orders and diners over the last 2 years.

The work

Restaurants is one of those sectors where Social Media can be especially conducive, with customers using Facebook, Instagram and twitter not only to find new places to eat but also share their experiences so we knew this is the platform likely to deliver the highest ROI.

The primary campaign objectives would be to 1) put the Organica Pizzas brand in front of users looking for recommendations on Social Media and 2) re-target and then try and convert users who are familiar with the brand but haven't ordered yet or not done so in a long time.

The campaign breakdown was highly detailed and segmented to ensure that the various ad copies and messaging were only being shown to the intended audience. For example, a 5% special offer created only for previous customers campaign shouldn't be shown to new users as that would just result in wasted ad spend and reach.

The chosen platforms in phase 1 were Facebook and Instagram ads and once those 2 began delivering a positive Return on Investment, we added twitter ads as well as remarketing on the Google Display Network to the mix.


The combination of a highly detailed and segmented campaign resulted in the ability to create ad campaigns with a high engagement rate resulting in a positive ROI on several fronts

  • 200
    More orders compared to 6 months ago
  • 60
    More in house diners compared to 6 months ago
  • 20
    Increase in average order value compared to 3 months ago

Client Quotes