If you’re a small business like us, you’ll know that keeping your work computers up to date, ensuring timely installation of OS and security updates and so on can be quite cumbersome unless you have dedicated IT personnel.
We recently started using the services of a professional IT support company and wanted to share my experiences and the benefits I found in using one.
First and perhaps most important is the safety of your data. In our case, we have two types of data, security of which is absolutely essential. Client data such as websites, database and so on and our own work data held in our office machines. Whilst the former is stored online with multiple backups in different locations, our own work data isn’t as securely stored. For example, a few days ago one of our work computers got hacked and infected by a nasty malware even though the computer was protected by Norton Internet Security. Usually, removal of malware isn’t very difficult but this was especially tough to get rid of no matter what we tried. After spending hours trying to remove it without any success, I decided to call our IT firm tech support. And, what do you know… within minutes they seem to resolve the issue and the computer was back up running again.
This made me realise the second benefit – time saving. I used to spend a few hours every Saturday backing up all our computers, then making multiple copies of the data in different location. Even though some of this process is automated, some isn’t and that took time. Over the last month, this is done by our IT firm not once a week but every hour! And the best part is, it’s ALL automated. And, it’s being done whilst we continue working.
Of course, there’s a cost involved to all of this but I am pretty sure that the savings in time alone, our service is paying for itself.
You may just be managing everything perfectly in-house but if not, give a IT support company a try.
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